
Establishing Proactive Protection for All Your Digital Assets

Tumbi Technology specializes in a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services that range from advanced threat detection to comprehensive risk management frameworks, ensuring you are equipped to navigate cybersecurity challenges with agility and dependability. Our approach matches your business’s risk level for long-term value enabling you to stay ahead of the evolving cyber threat landscape by developing strategies that balance security with growth objectives.

Our Focus Areas:

Our Focus Areas:

Our Focus Areas:


Standards & Regulations Compliance

Our comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services ensures alignment with cybersecurity standards and regulations, including Risk Management Framekwork and National Institute of Standards and Technology guidelines.

Cyber Policy Compliance & Maturity Assessment

Cyber Policy Compliance
& Maturity Assessment

We evaluate and enhance cybersecurity policies and standards with a specialization in certification and accreditation support ensuring compliance for organizational maturity and resiliency.

Monitoring & Vulnerability Assessment

We proactively manage security incidents and emphasize continuous monitoring and vulnerability assessments for timely threat detection and resolution. Partnering with organizations in regulated industries, we offer you tailored cybersecurity solutions that tackle your complex challenges.


Zero Trust Architecture Implementation

Our specialized comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services focuses on a Zero Trust strategy and execution model allowing us to establish secure network environments.

Cybersecurity Enterprise Architecture Design

Our design services ensure you are equipped to navigate cybersecurity challenges with agility and dependability with services. We accomplish this by crafting architectures that integrate cybersecurity at every level of enterprise IT infrastructure.

Cloud Architecture & Strategy

Our cloud architecture and strategy experts will unlock the full potential of the cloud to move your business forward.  We create scalable and secure cloud infrastructures that support agility and digital transformation efforts affording you long-term success.


Certification & Accreditation Package Support

Cybersecurity certifications and accreditations are crucial to quality, security and compliance, so we are here to provide comprehensive support. We will guide you through the process helping navigate complexities such as gap assessments, policy and procedure development, employee training and continuous monitoring.

Data Encryption & Secure Transmission

Our risk management strategies include advanced encryption and secure data transmission to protect sensitive information. We implement advanced encryption protocols for the protection and to secure transmissions of your sensitive data.

Security Incident Management & Response

We develop strategies for rapid identification, management, and resolution of security incidents. Our experts develop and implement comprehensive incident management frameworks allowing you to confidently safeguard your business and reputation.

SOC Management & SOC-as-a-Service

Our full-scale SOC management and as-a-service options for real-time threat detection and response provide a cost saving benefit to clients by eliminating the overhead costs and burden of hosting in house. Our seasoned staff monitors your environment 24/7, proactively identifying and investigating incidents, and orchestrating response actions.


DevSecOps & Digital Transformation

We integrate security practices into DevOps processes for secure software development and digital transformation initiatives. Our integration includes embedding security seamlessly through the software development lifecycle allowing for adaption to changing business demands.

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Tumbi Technology